A financial advisor and their client sitting at a table and having a portfolio discussion.

Wealth management

Use these resources to enhance your practice's wealth management offer and your value to clients.

Become the behavioral coach

As a key tenet of the Vanguard Advisor's Alpha® framework, behavioral coaching helps clients effectively manage their emotions about markets and their portfolios. By combining uniquely human skills of empathy and thoughtfully considered action, you can guide clients toward their goals—even through the headwinds of difficult markets.

A screen-capture image shows the output screen of Vanguard’s Market Hindsight Tool, an online calculator that uses historical market data to show the potential benefit of staying invested throughout financial crises.
An illustration depicts the asset allocation flexiblility of Vanguard strategic model portfolios.  Four bi-directional arrows indicate the range of investor conservatism or aggressiveness regarding their time horizon, risk tolerance, and allocation of bonds versus stocks. The left side of the arrows corresponds to a more conservative orientation, while the right side corresponds to more aggressive. The left side indicates that allocations of the most conservative portfolio would be 100% bonds. The right side shows the most aggressive portfolio would consist of 100% stocks.  Beneath the set of arrows are seven rings that similarly show the bond-stock allocations by risk tolerance and time horizon. The circle farthest to the left shows a 100% allocation to bonds. The one all the way on the right is 100% stock. The middle circle is 50% stock and 50% bonds.

Gain efficiencies with model portfolios

Make time to prioritize the uniquely human aspects of your offer by adding model portfolios to your investment management mix. Using broadly diversified models helps streamline management of client affairs. In turn, you can devote more time to deepening client conversations and growing your practice.

Related insights

Smart tax management

Generating potential tax advantage plays a vital role in helping your clients keep more of what they make. Asset location, timing of withdrawals, tax-loss harvesting, and other strategies can combine for a meaningful reduction of tax drag on your clients’ portfolios.

Our resources illustrate how tax efficiency can and should be an always-on consideration when managing client assets.

For up-to-date information on Vanguard product dividends and capital gains distributions, visit our Tax center.

Vanguard Personalized Indexing

We make it simple for you to build tax-efficient, customized portfolios—at scale and in real time. This direct indexing approach gives investors unique flexibility.

A screen capture displays one of five available cost scenarios for transitioning an advised client from their existing portfolio to a Vanguard Personalized Indexing (VPI) portfolio. On the left, a sloping line chart plots the tax cost of implementing any of the scenarios, labeled A through E. On the right is a scenario-selection tab, with a list of characteristics and their values: trading cost, turnover, short-term gains, short-term losses, short-term net gains, long-term gains, long-term losses, long-term net gains, number of securities, beta, tracking error, and tax cost.
A screen capture shows the output from Vanguard’s Roth Conversion Calculator, which advisors can use to help determine whether to convert clients’ traditional IRAs or 401(k)s to Roth accounts.

Roth Conversion Calculator

Computing the Break Even Tax Rate (BETR) for future income could help a client decide if their predicted tax situation makes it sensible to pursue a Roth conversion.

Related insights

Plan for health care costs

Health care is one of the biggest expenses your clients will face in retirement. It can also be a confusingly complex topic to navigate. Put clients at ease by helping them plan for health care needs alongside their financial planning for retirement.

Share and review these resources with your clients so they can feel more in control of their health care planning.

An output screen from Vanguard’s Health Care Cost Estimator shows a tabular chart that estimates a person’s annual medical, dental, and vision health care costs under Medicare. The results divide the expense totals into three cost regimes: 50th percentile (lower range), 75th percentile (middle range), and 90th percentile (higher regime). Advisors can use the estimator to provide clients a hypothetical snapshot of retirement health care expenses.

Plan for the future

Estimate the cost of your clients' health care and long-term care.

A screen capture shows the output screen from Vanguard’s Health Care Cost Estimator. The online tool provides an estimate of health care costs individuals could expect in retirement, based on provided inputs. An advisor can provide a client’s details and—as shown—compare several scenarios by adjusting the desired Medicare plans and client variables such as age, income, location, and health status.

Medicare match

Find the best Medicare plans for your clients with our easy-to-use tool.

A screen capture shows an image of the “Scenario Analysis” function of Vanguard’s Health Care Cost Estimator. The screen shows three side-by-side columns. The first column, “Client information,” lists a hypothetical client’s name, along with the categories “Retirement age,” “Tax-filing status,” and “Household income at retirement age.” The two- columns to the right, labeled “Current scenario,” and “Comparison A,” have the categories filled in. Advisors can create multiple scenarios and customize the information in them, to let clients see how different situations could play out for them financially.

Scenario analysis

Compare retirement health care cost scenarios side by side.

Preparing to transfer wealth

Helping clients create and preserve a family legacy can deepen your relationship, put future generations on a solid financial path, and maintain assets under your fiduciary stewardship after a client’s passing. This page connects you with advisor- and end-client resources to prepare your clients and their family members for an intergenerational transfer of assets.

Family meetings: Communication is key

Communication is crucial if families wish to sustain wealth across generations. These resources can help you make sure those conversations happen.

A group of people, perhaps a family, sit together at a table. From left to right, two individuals—a man in his 20s and a woman who could possibly be his mother—smile as they listen to a man who could be the family patriarch, seated immediately next to them.
Disclosures and footnotes

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The performance of an index is not an exact representation of any particular investment, as you cannot invest directly in an index.

All investing is subject to risk, including possible loss of principal.

Vanguard does not, and will not, make any representations about whether a model portfolio is in the best interest of any investor, is not, and will not be, responsible for the determination of whether a model portfolio is in the best interests of any investor, and is not acting as an investment advisor to any investor. It is the investment advisor’s responsibility to determine the appropriateness of the model portfolios, or any of the securities included therein, for any client.

Withdrawals from a Roth IRA are generally tax-free if you are over age 59½ and have held the account for at least five years; withdrawals taken prior to age 59½ or five years may be subject to ordinary income tax, a 10% federal penalty tax, or both. (A separate five-year period applies for each conversion and begins on the first day of the year in which the conversion contribution is made).

Tax-loss harvesting involves certain risks, including, among others, the risk that the new investment could have higher costs than the original investment and could introduce portfolio tracking error into your accounts. There may also be unintended tax implications. Prospective investors should consult with their tax or legal advisor prior to engaging in any tax-loss harvesting strategy. Neither Vanguard Personalized Indexing Management nor Vanguard provide tax or legal advice.