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Tax-efficient investing

Whether accumulating or in retirement, investing inevitably brings tax consequences. Learn how you can add significant value by helping clients build tax efficiency into their investing and spending strategies.

Potentially reduce taxes on investments

Unlike the financial markets, which no one can control, you can make a difference to client outcomes by planning for tax efficiency. From making use of tax-advantaged accounts and investments to implementing tax-smart strategies, you are uniquely situated to help your clients keep more of their money. Use the content below and throughout this page as you engage clients on the importance of a thoughtfully considered approach to taxes.


Six ways to rebalance your clients’ portfolio tax-efficiently

Helping your clients weather market cycles and enjoy better risk-adjusted results takes a planned approach.



Roth conversions for tax efficiency

One way to potentially reduce your clients' tax burden in retirement is to consider converting their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Exploring the potential benefits of a Roth IRA presents a prime opportunity to discuss tax-advantaged investments with your clients.


Tax-efficient solutions

Ready to implement? Check out our solutions for building tax efficiency into your clients' portfolios. Whether you're looking for no-hassle tax-loss harvesting, true-to-label fixed income, or portfolios tailored to a specific tax profile, we've assembled it for you—so you can focus on your clients.



Vanguard Personalized Indexing (VPI) makes it simple to build tax-efficient, customized portfolios for your clients. It can automate tax-loss harvesting year-round to help enhance client returns and free up time to build your practice.

Fixed income

Whether your clients need exposure to a broad market or more narrow segments of the fixed income market—including taxable and tax-exempt bonds—Vanguard provides well-defined, low-cost strategies.


Provide clients with Vanguard's asset allocation strategy, in diversified, low-cost portfolios. Putting tax efficiency front-and-center, our Tax-Aware ETF Series of all-passive multi-asset portfolios are designed to maximize risk-adjusted after-tax returns.

Tax Center

Your source for tax information on all Vanguard investment products.

  • Find the information you need about Vanguard fund dividends and distributions.
  • View the calendar of published tax documents and estimated dates of new documents.
  • Access previous years' tax information.

Tax-planning resources

Download these PDFs to help clients confidently understand the tax-planning strategies you examine with them.


  • PDF

    How financial advisors add value by saving you money in taxes

    Shows how advisors can add value to their clients’ bottom line by helping them to minimize their tax bill.

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    Family gifting strategies and the tax sunset

    Without further congressional action, reduced individual tax rates and exemptions are set to expire in 2026. This end-client guide explains the estate-planning and gifting implications.

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    Charitable giving: Three elements of a successful plan

    This brochure examines some common charitable giving strategies, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and present examples to illustrate the potential impact.

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    Strategies for maximizing tax-advantaged outcomes

    During volatile markets, help your clients stay focused on things they can control, like how and when money is invested and how income is generated. Doing so with a smart plan may reduce their tax bill.

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    Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you?

    As your clients approach retirement, maximizing income and minimizing taxes is crucial. Roth IRAs may be beneficial, and this brochure discusses what they should consider when weighing whether to convert from a traditional IRA to a Roth.

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    More efficient tax planning can mean paying less in taxes

    This hypothetical case study analyzes the tax return of two working-aged adults with two children to identify opportunities to reduce taxable income.

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    Fundamentals of tax planning: Going beyond the basics

    This paper highlights common tax-saving opportunities, focusing on the key areas of threshold planning, capital gains, income exclusions, and deductions.

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    Tax planning: How to draw down an inherited IRA

    This piece explores proposed IRS regulations to inherited IRA distributions and how most IRA beneficiaries could further improve tax outcomes.

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    A BETR approach to Roth conversions

    Break-even tax rate (BETR) analysis offers an empirical, calculated approach to thinking about converting to a Roth IRA from a traditional IRA.

  • PDF

    2024 tax year: IRS tax and retirement contribution guide

    View 2024 income tax rates, standard deductions, personal exemptions, and more in a quick-reference format.

Disclosures and footnotes

  • Neither Vanguard nor its financial advisors provide tax and/or legal advice. This information is general and educational in nature and should not be considered tax and/or legal advice. Any tax-related information discussed herein is based on tax laws, regulations, judicial opinions and other guidance that are complex and subject to change. Additional tax rules not discussed herein may also be applicable to your situation. Vanguard makes no warranties with regard to such information or the results obtained by its use, and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax positions taken in reliance on, such information. We recommend you consult a tax and/or legal advisor about your individual situation.
  • For more information about Vanguard funds or Vanguard ETFs, view detailed product information or call 800-997-2798 to obtain a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus. Investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information are contained in the prospectus; read and consider it carefully before investing.
  • All investments, are subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest.
  • Vanguard ETF Shares are not redeemable with the issuing Fund other than in very large aggregations worth millions of dollars. Instead, investors must buy and sell Vanguard ETF Shares in the secondary market and hold those shares in a brokerage account. In doing so, the investor may incur brokerage commissions and may pay more than net asset value when buying and receive less than net asset value when selling.
  • Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss.
  • Tax-loss harvesting involves certain risks, including, among others, the risk that the new investment could have higher costs than the original investment and could introduce portfolio tracking error into your accounts. There may also be unintended tax implications. We recommend that you carefully review the terms of the consent and consult a tax professional before taking action.
  • Bond funds are subject to interest rate risk, which is the chance bond prices overall will decline because of rising interest rates, and credit risk, which is the chance a bond issuer will fail to pay interest and principal in a timely manner or that negative perceptions of the issuer's ability to make such payments will cause the price of that bond to decline.